2020 changed everything

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This year has brought about monumental change for our community. As COVID-19 has brought about so many changes - it brought about a huge change for Vibe of Portland.

When it was clear this was not going to be a thing that would go away this summer we had to do some major shifting in our planning, scheduling and thinking. We did offer a few camps in person this summer - and as amazing as that was to have kids spread out at the studio - it also showed us just what we were up against in keeping our kids, teaching artists and community safe.

We currently have classes and workshops running online - so we can share our incredible mission and vision with a larger audience. When we are able to meet in person once again - we will figure out where that will happen safely and securely. We definitely miss seeing our students in person but we want to ensure that when we start back up in person, we will be good to go.

Help keep our programming going by being part of our team of supporters. From now through December 31st, Vibe is in the Willamette Week Give!Guide - a curated list of nonprofits Doing Good in our community. Donations of $10 and up continue to provide support for Vibe programming and planning for 2021.


Updates for Vibe of Portland

01 : Give Guide is going on now through December 31st! Support for music and arts education.

02 : Online music classes and workshops are up now!

03 : Continued partnership with Related for Cathedral Park Apartment : ETA opening 2022

Laura StreibComment